Sausage and Kale.
Category: Observations
Great video on neutral density filters
Great vid on ND (neutral density) filters and why you should use them for outdoor videography.
Why THESE can save your footage! – Peter McKinnon
“These are a MUST have when shooting VIDEO outdoors! Today’s two minute Tuesday covers ND filters, in 2 MINUTES!”
Christmas Leftovers
January 31st 2018. I finally finished eating all of the Christmas leftovers that my family gave me.
Happy 32018!
This tweet is for people who are reading Twitter and Facebook, 30,000 years in the future. Happy 32018!
It’s so cold!
It’s so cold outside that even my neighbors snowman wants to wear a coat!
December 26th
364 shopping days until Christmas!
I think that I’m thankful for thanksgiving, so I give thanks for thinking, and giving thinks with thanks.
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Mount Timpanogos Wilderness Area
Who Owns a Monkey Selfie?
The lawsuit wasn’t about justice for animals. It was about milking money from photographers. i.e. A tax.
Mastery of self
People who try to control others, do so because they lack mastery over themselves.