A polo shirt is the clothing equivalent of a mullet. It’s a t-shirt with a collar. 1/2 business. 1/2 party.
Category: Observations
Sometimes . . .
Sometimes you have to see the sun beyond the clouds.
End of the world
I interpret the end of the world as a good, because it signals the beginning of a new world. With every ending, there is a new beginning.
Jett Joan
“I love myself for hating you”
~ Jett Joan
George Jefferson Airplane
“Go ask Weezy when she’s 10 feet tall”
~ George Jefferson Airplane
George Jefferson Airplane
Lionel needs somebody to love
Wouldn’t Lionel love somebody to love?
Florence better find somebody to love
~ George Jefferson Airplane
Boldly go where no phone has gone before
Steve Jobs did not invent the iPhone. Everyone knows it was Captain Kirk who did that.
Thank God
Sometimes I wish God had an email address so I could send him a quick message and thank Him for the good things 🙂
We are spirits in the material world
“There is no political solution to our troubled evolution. Have no faith in constitution. There is no bloody revolution”
The Police
Help for constipated dogs
Best laxative for constipated dogs?