Author: CharlieKirby
Happy Star Wars 50th anniversary!
Superior Drummer 2.0
Avid Search/Find error
Multigrouping in Avid
How to make bulletproof Avid multigroups – by Tim
How to Multigroup in Avid: The Ultimate Tutorial – by Will Blank
Make a grouping bin view that includes: Aux TC, Mark in, Start TC, Duration.
Other helpful tips,
- Have a grouping bin view that includes: Aux TC, Mark in, Start TC, Duration.
- It is important to make cuts (add edits) on ALL of the starts and stops of every video and audio track, otherwise you get a black line over the clip and that will throw people off.
🙂 Charlie
XAVC Workflows in Avid
XAVC Workflows in Avid
AVID – Sony F5 Footage Project Setup and Transcoding Workflow – XAVC HD 2K Data
AVID – Relinking to Native files for .aaf and QuickTime export to Davinci Resolve
IF YOU HAVE FOOTAGE IN YOUR TIMELINE THAT WAS RECORDED ON THE Canon C100 (AVCHD,) (not C300 that is okay) Sony A7s (.mts) or F3 (AVCHD) or Canon 5D or 7D (.h264) or Panasonic HMC150 (AVCHD) or any other camera that does not record ProRes or DNxHD or DNxHR then don’t use this workflow. Use this workflow instead,
AVID – Relink to Camera Originals Then Convert and Export to AAF and QuickTime for Davinci Resolve
Working With LUTs
Let’s Edit with Media Composer – ADVANCED – Working with LUT’s by Lets Edit MC
What are LUTS?
Color Grading LUTs for Noobs! – LUT Basics and Techniques by Casey Faris
Log LUTs vs. 709 LUTs – What’s The Difference? by Casey Faris
VLOG and LUTs Part 2 – using LUTS in Avid Media Composer by David V. Clarke
I Love Gluten
Restore Safari History With Time Machine
Here is a very helpful article that assisted me in restoring browsing history in Safari. If you are experiencing problems of this nature, hopefully it can help you too!
🙂 Charlie
Export/Import individual Avid user settings.
Good to know!
With the “settings” tab active in the project window), go to File>Open Setting File.
Then, navigate to the particular user’s folder you want to copy from, open that folder and select the “(user name) settings.avs” file.
Another window opens with that user’s entire settings profile. Find the setting you want and drag it into the existing user profile open in the project window – add or replace as you desire.